Importance of Soil Type in Foundation Stability in Adelaide

Soil type is important in foundation stability in Adelaide because it provides information concerning soil fertility, drainage, water-holding capacity, and erosion potential. Professional underpinning contractors know that these details are essential in making informed land use and management decisions.

In this post, we will discuss soil classifications and how they relate to foundation stability.

What is the Soil Classification System in Australia?

The Soil Classification System in Australia is a way of grouping soils into different classes for easier identification. The four main types are organic soils, sands, loams, and clays.

There is also the Soil Class Foundation, which refers to the seven different soil classes in the country. The most common soil types in Adelaide are the following:

  • A: Sites with sand and rock that exhibit little to no ground movement due to moisture changes
  • S: Slightly reactive clay sites with minimal ground movement resulting from moisture changes
  • M: Clay or silt sites that are moderately reactive and may experience moderate ground movement due to moisture changes
  • H1: Sites with a high rate of ground movement, resulting in 40-60mm of surface movement
  • H2: Sites with a very high rate of ground movement, resulting in 60-75mm of surface movement
  • E: Sites with extremely reactive clay that experience extreme ground movement from moisture changes
  • P: Problem sites include soft soils such as soft clay or silt, loose sands, landslips, mine subsidence, collapsing soils, soils subject to erosion, and other unclassifiable sites.

Is a Soil Test Necessary for Underpinning?

Yes, a soil test is necessary for underpinning. These are the following reasons why it is needed:

Foundation Stability

The stability of a building’s foundation is heavily influenced by the physical properties and type of soil, including its moisture content and compaction. When the soil is not appropriate, it may be necessary to take additional measures.

Soil Settlement

Certain types of soil, notably clay, tend to expand and contract. This leads to settling or shifting over time, which can cause structural damage to the building. Soil testing can identify potential soil settlement issues, allowing the foundation to be constructed appropriately.

Groundwater Levels

The stability of a building can be impacted by groundwater levels, which can also determine the suitability of the site for septic systems or underground utilities. Soil testing can determine the level of groundwater in the area and assess its impact on the building.

Soil Contamination

Contamination of soil by pollutants such as heavy metals, chemicals, or petroleum products poses a risk to both human health and the environment. Soil testing can identify the presence of such contaminants and the extent of the contamination, allowing for appropriate remediation measures to be taken before construction.Would you like to know what to consider when underpinning a business property? Check out our post about it for more details.

Signs You Need Underpinning for Your Business Property

You need underpinning for your business property when you start noticing cracks, uneven flooring, and doors and windows not closing properly. Sloping floors and water damage are also some of the signs you require underpinning.

Once you start seeing these issues come up, it is best to seek help from foundation repairs specialists to avoid costly replacements.

In this post, we will discuss more about these signs to help you decide whether or not underpinning is the right solution for your property.

What Are the Signs You Need Underpinning?

The signs you need underpinning are:

  • Cracks in Walls or Floors
  • Uneven Flooring
  • Doors and Windows Not Closing Properly
  • Sagging or Sloping Floors
  • Water Damage

Let’s take a closer look at each one below.

Cracks in Walls or Floors

One of the most common signs that a commercial property needs underpinning is the appearance of cracks in walls or floors. These cracks can occur due to a variety of reasons but are usually caused by foundation settlement or movement. As the foundation shifts, the building’s walls and floors can crack or even separate.

Underpinning can help to stabilise the foundation and prevent further settlement or movement, particularly when different soil types are involved.

Uneven Flooring

Another sign that a commercial property may need underpinning is uneven floors. Uneven floors can make it difficult to walk or move around the building and cause doors and windows to stick or not close properly.

Adding support to the foundation through underpinning can help distribute the weight of the building more evenly and level out floors.

Doors and Windows That Don’t Close Properly

Doors and windows that have become difficult to close or open can also be a sign that a commercial property needs underpinning. This is often due to foundation settlement or movement, which can cause the building to shift and become uneven.

Preventing extra movement through underpinning can keep doors and windows secure, helping them open and close accordingly.

Sagging or Sloping Floors

Sagging or sloping floors can be a sign of serious foundation issues that require underpinning. If the foundation has sunk or settled unevenly, it can cause the floors to become uneven and even sag in certain areas.

An experienced underpinning provider can assess the situation on your property and provide the best approach to prevent having misaligned floors moving forward.

Water Damage

Water damage can also be a sign that a commercial property needs underpinning. Water damage can weaken the foundation and cause it to sink or settle unevenly, leading to various structural issues.

Underpinning can be an effective solution for addressing water damage in a commercial property. Providing necessary foundation support can help address cracks or other damage caused by the presence of water.Would you like the best tips for choosing an underpinning contractor for your next renovation? We made a post specifically for that. Read our blog for more information.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing an Underpinning Contractor

The most common mistakes to avoid when choosing an underpinning contractor are insufficient research, selecting the cheapest option, and not getting a written contract. Failing to check for licences and ignoring certain red flags are also some of the worst things one can do.

In this post, we will expand on these points to help you select the right underpinning provider in Adelaide.

What Are the Common Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting an Underpinning Provider?

These are the common mistakes to avoid:

Not Doing Enough Research

One of the most significant mistakes people make when choosing an underpinning contractor is not conducting enough research. It’s essential to conduct thorough research and gather as much information as possible about the contractor you are considering. This includes checking the company’s website, reading reviews, and looking for information about their licences and certifications.

Researching beforehand is essential, particularly when you need underpinning for a business property.

Choosing the Cheapest Provider

Choosing the lowest-priced option for your underpinning contractor may seem like a good idea at first, but it can lead to significant problems later on. The cheapest contractor may not have the necessary skills or experience to complete the project successfully. They may also use subpar materials or cut corners to save costs.

As a result, the work may be of low quality, and you may end up paying more in the long run to fix the problems.

Not Getting a Written Contract

Having a written contract is crucial when working with an underpinning contractor. A written contract outlines the scope of the work, the timeline, and the cost. It also protects you in case of disputes or misunderstandings, which is fairly common in such projects.

Make sure to read the contract carefully before signing it, and ask for clarification if you have any questions.

Not Checking for Insurance and Licences

Underpinning work is complex, and it requires a skilled and experienced contractor. Ensuring that the contractor you hire has the necessary licences and insurance is essential. The contractor’s licence and insurance protect you in case of accidents or damages that may occur during the project.

Be sure to verify the licence and insurance details before hiring the contractor.

Failing to Identify Red Flags

Ignoring red flags when hiring an underpinning contractor can lead to significant problems later on. If a contractor is unresponsive, does not show up on time, or seems unprofessional, taking these red flags seriously and considering other options is vital. A professional and reliable contractor will be responsive, punctual, and easy to communicate with.

If the underpinning contractor does not meet these criteria, it may be best to look for other options.Are you interested in learning about underpinning before renovating a property? Check out our blog for more details about it.

The Benefits of Underpinning for Renovations

The main benefits of underpinning for renovations are increased stability, allows for extensions, cost-effectiveness, increased value, and peace of mind. These pros are the main reasons residential and commercial property owners hire our team at Adelaide Underpinning Group.

In this blog, we’ll expand more on these benefits so you can better understand how underpinning can help with renovations.

What Are the Advantages of Underpinning for Renovations?

The advantages of underpinning for renovations are:

Increased Structural Stability

Underpinning provides a solution to structural instability in a building. A building’s foundation can become unstable over time due to a variety of factors, such as soil erosion, water infiltration, or the movement of the earth.

Underpinning involves extending or strengthening the foundation to ensure it can support the weight of the building and prevent further damage. Choosing an underpinning contractor experienced in renovations is essential to guarantee quality results.

Allows for Additional Floors or Extensions

One of the primary benefits of underpinning is the ability to add additional floors or extensions to an existing building. This is especially useful for buildings in urban areas where space is limited. By strengthening the foundation, underpinning can provide the necessary support to add more floors or extend the building’s footprint.

Doing so can result in more living space or additional features such as a garage, a home office, or a gym.

Cost-Effective Solution

Underpinning is often a more cost-effective solution than demolishing and rebuilding a structure. This is particularly true for buildings with historical or sentimental value. Demolishing a building can be expensive and time-consuming and may also require permits and approvals from local authorities.

Conversely, underpinning can be completed quickly and efficiently, often with minimal disruption to the building’s occupants. It also allows property owners to preserve the original structure while improving its stability and functionality.

Increases Property Value

A strengthened foundation can increase the value of a property. By underpinning a building, property owners can add extra floors or extensions, creating more living space and improving the property’s overall functionality. This can make the property more attractive to potential buyers and increase its resale value.

Additionally, a building with a stable foundation is less likely to require expensive repairs or maintenance in the future, which can also make it more appealing to buyers.

Peace of Mind

Underpinning provides peace of mind to property owners, knowing that their building’s foundation is secure and stable. This can be particularly important in areas that are prone to natural disasters, such as earthquakes or floods.

By underpinning the foundation, property owners can rest assured that their building is safe and secure and that they will not have to worry about costly repairs or structural issues in the future. This can also be beneficial for commercial property owners.Would you like to learn about concrete slabs? Check out our blog for more details.

Everything You Need to Know About Concrete Slabs

Concrete slabs are a vital component of many buildings and structures. They provide a sturdy and level surface for structures to rest on. However, a structure’s foundation will require underpinning, particularly when it needs reinforcing.

In this post, we will explore everything you need to know about concrete slabs, including their function, thickness, and strength, and the factors that influence their durability.

What is the Function of a Concrete Slab?

The main function of a concrete slab is to act as a foundation for buildings and other structures such as patios, driveways, and sidewalks. Concrete slabs are commonly used in areas with poor soil conditions to provide a stable surface for structures to rest on.

A concrete slab can also create a level surface on sloped terrain, making it ideal for outdoor living areas or pools.

Thickness and Strength of Concrete Slabs

The thickness and strength of a concrete slab will vary depending on several factors, including the size and weight of the structure it is supporting, the soil conditions in the area, and the climate. It is essential to ensure that the concrete slab is thick and strong enough to support the weight of the structure without cracking or settling.


The thickness of a concrete slab is typically determined based on the load it will be supporting. A concrete slab supporting a single-story residential home will be thinner than one supporting a high-rise building. The thickness of a slab can range from 4 inches to over 12 inches, depending on the load it will bear.


The strength of a concrete slab is measured in pounds per square inch (psi). The minimum strength of a concrete slab should be 3,000 psi, but it can be higher depending on the structure it will support. A concrete slab that will support heavy equipment or machinery may require a higher psi to prevent cracking and settling.

What Are the Factors That Influence Concrete Slab Durability?

These are the factors that influence slab durability:

Ground Preparation

The preparation of the ground is crucial to ensure the stability of the concrete slab. The area where the concrete slab will be poured should be cleared of any vegetation, debris, or loose soil. The ground should then be compacted to create a solid base for the slab. If the soil conditions are poor, additional measures may be necessary, such as installing a sub-base or adding drainage.


Reinforcement is necessary to prevent cracking and increase the durability of a concrete slab. It can be achieved by adding steel or fibre to the concrete mix. Steel reinforcement is commonly used in large-scale projects. In contrast, fibre reinforcement is often applied in smaller projects, such as patios or driveways.


Curing is the process of allowing the concrete to dry and harden. Proper curing is essential to prevent cracking and increase the durability of the concrete slab. Curing can be achieved by covering the concrete with a curing compound or by keeping it moist for several days. The curing process should be carefully monitored to ensure that the concrete dries evenly and does not crack.

Would you like to learn about underpinning for renovations? Check out our blog about it today.

How Can I Prevent Foundation Problems In My Home?

You can prevent foundation problems in your home by ensuring its foundation is free from excess moisture. Things like stormwater, tree roots, and soil conditions are all elements that need to be managed. 

In this article, we will discuss what you can do to prevent foundation problems, the causes, and other precautions that can prevent foundation problems in your home.

What Destroys A Foundation?

The main reason a foundation becomes damaged or unstable is due to moisture. Check your water management system to see if you’re doing everything you can to keep water away from your foundation.

Secondly, tree roots can heave and damage foundations. Make sure to plant trees at a reasonable distance from your home, and keep an eye on the ones already there.

And finally, soil conditions can also lead to damage. So, if you want to get the best underpinning South Australia residents love, it’s important to be aware of the soil type around your home.

6 Tips To Avoid Foundation Problems

These are the six tips to follow so you can avoid foundation problems on your property:

1. Check Storm Water System

A faulty stormwater system can allow water to pool around your foundation and seep in, swell and heave. Make sure your storm water drains appropriately so it can carry water away from your foundation.

2. Replace Damaged Gutters And Downpipes

Gutters and downpipes that are in poor condition can also allow water to pool around your foundation. The amount of water in the soil around your home’s foundation affects the pressure on the foundation, which can cause it to collapse or shift. Check them regularly and repair or replace them as needed.

3. Beware Of Tree Roots

Tree roots can go considerably deep into the ground and out of sight. As a result, tree roots can suck moisture away from foundations and cause damage. It’s important to check for these problems and take action as soon as you notice them.

4. Don’t Plant Trees Near Buildings

Be sure to plant anything sturdier, like bushes or shrubs, in your flower beds. They should be placed at least two feet away from the edge of your home’s foundation. This will ensure that the roots and drainage go where they belong — away from the house.

5. Monitor Cracks In Home

Always check your foundation and keep an eye on your walls and flooring. If you notice any cracks, get expert help as soon as possible. This is the best opportunity to correct the damage and prevent further foundation movement. The earlier you detect foundation problems, the easier they are to fix. You already have a significant issue if you see large fractures or wall bowing in your home.

6. Consult A Professional

Finally, get a professional inspection if you notice anything suspicious about your foundation or just want a clear picture of your real risk for this kind of worry. They can tell you whether your foundation is in good shape. Also, they can give you a few tips for the best prevention measures in your region.

Suppose you notice anything unusual about your foundation. In that case, we recommend getting a professional inspection or wanting a clear understanding of your real risk for this worry. They will not just tell you if your foundation is in excellent condition, but they’ll also be able to of you some ideas on how to keep it that way in your area.

How Can You Differentiate Between Settling and Foundation Problems?

You can differentiate between settling and foundation problems based on the angle of the cracks that appear on walls over time. Vertical hairline cracks about 2 to 6 inches are normal while diagonal or horizontal cracks of any size indicate issues with the property’s foundation.

It’s essential to get help from a foundation repair expert once you start noticing cracks around your home that aren’t vertical in nature, no matter the size.


Underpinning is a complex process, and it’s simply not something an inexperienced person can do on their own. If you want to know more, check out our blog, “Can you DIY underpinning?” for more details.

By keeping a vigilant eye on your home, yard, and foundation, you may avoid the headache of a damaged foundation.

Can You Underpin A House Yourself?

Yes, you can underpin a house yourself. Unfortunately, most people lack the actual expertise to ensure a project is completed the right way. You shouldn’t consider DIY underpinning if you don’t have the equipment, proper experience and licencing. 

Are you wondering if it’s possible to underpin yourself? In this article, we’ll discuss whether it’s safe to underpin a house on your own, the dangers involved in doing so, and the benefits of hiring an expert.

Is DIY Underpinning A House Possible?

Yes, DIY underpinning is possible. However, it only works if you’re experienced, have the right skills, and are knowledgeable in completing the entire underpinning process successfully. If you lack any of the mentioned, we highly recommend not underpinning a house yourself.

Yet even if you have such expertise, it’s still best to consult an engineer. These professionals will provide you with proper advice in terms of pin placements and installations to avoid issues with your property later on. 

What Are the Risks of Underpinning a House Yourself?

The following are the main risks of underpinning a house yourself:

  • You can’t guarantee the workmanship
  • You may jeopardise the property’s structure 
  • Any mistake in the process can result in personal injury and permanent property damage
  • You could void your insurance policy
  • It may not meet compliance regulations

You can check out our other blog here if you want to know how to prevent foundation issues.

Why Should You Choose A Professional Underpinning Contractor?

You should choose a professional underpinning contractor based on the following:

  • They have the experience to handle any underpinning job correctly
  • They use the latest technology and equipment
  • They can provide a written guarantee
  • They are insured and licensed
  • They will comply with all building codes and regulations

If you are curious about does my house need underpinning, check out our blog here.

Is Underpinning Complex?

Underpinning is a complex process that involves excavating around a house’s foundation to a depth of several feet. Then, concrete piers are installed to support the weight of the structure. The entire process must be done carefully to avoid damaging the house’s structure.

Is Underpinning Dangerous?

Underpinning is dangerous because of the following reasons:

  • You can injure yourself if you’re not careful with heavy tools
  • DIY underpinning can lead to significant property damage
  • Overcorrecting relevel can worsen the cracks
  • DIY underpinning doesn’t comply with housing authority regulations and can void insurance

Does Underpinning Require Experience?

Completing an underpinning project requires experience. It should only be done by a professional underpinning contractor that has the proper expertise and equipment. Every project is different, and without relevant experience, you end up spending more money than required.

Is There a Warranty for Underpinning?

Yes, there is a warranty for underpinning but only if you work with an authorised contractor. The warranty will protect you in case of any issue with underpinning. Most underpinning contractors in Adelaide provide at least 10 years of warranty on underpinning.

We recommend using an expert foundation repair contractor always for any underpinning project. They have the experience, equipment, and resources to do the job safely and correctly. Choose a contractor that is insured and licenced and can provide a written guarantee.

What Materials Are Used in Underpinning?

The materials used in underpinning are poured concrete piers, bored piers, steel screw piles, and driven piles. The latter can be made of steel, concrete, or timber.

How Can I Tell If My Home Needs Underpinning?

You can tell when your home needs underpinning if you start noticing cracks in walls and when windows aren’t shutting or opening properly. These signs are good indications that your property needs underpinning.

In this article, we’ll discuss the signs your home may need underpinning and what you can expect from the process. This is what our team at Adelaide Underpinning Group recommends any client consider when looking at undergoing foundation repairs. 

What Are the Signs a House Needs Underpinning?

The following are the signs a house needs underpinning:

Cracks Are Visible on Walls and Corners

One common sign that a home needs underpinning is cracking in the walls and corners. It may be caused by foundation settlement when the soil beneath a home begins to shrink and settle. As the soil thins and compacts, the foundation can no longer support the weight of the home, leading to cracks in the walls and floors.

Windows Don’t Open and Close Properly

Windows that don’t close or open properly can also indicate that your home needs underpinning. This often happens due to foundation movement, which can occur when the soil around the foundation starts to move and shift. Foundation movement can cause the window frames to become misaligned and even lead to windows popping out.

Floors Are Not Level

Another sign that your home may need underpinning is if your floors are not level. This can be caused by settlement or erosion of the soil beneath the house. When the soil shifts, it can create uneven surfaces that can be dangerous for people walking on them. It can also lead to water infiltration and damage your home’s foundation.

If you notice any of these problems in Adelaide, it’s important to have them checked out by a professional like our team at Adelaide Underpinning Group as soon as possible. Failing to address a foundation issue can lead to much bigger (and more expensive) problems down the road.

Is It OK to Buy a House That Has Been Underpinned?

It is OK to buy a house that has been underpinned by a licenced contractor and is certified by a structural engineer. Otherwise, it might be risky and expensive (it might need rework or could lead to further damage). Keep in mind that it’s a technical yet physically demanding work and can’t be done on your own.

Check the potential risks by reading our blog “Can You DIY Underpinning?” for more details.

How Can I Tell If a House Has Underpinning?

You can tell when a house has underpinning based on the following:

  • If the edge of an exposed concrete foundation is visible at ground level, it indicates that the house has undergone underpinning. This occurrence, however, is quite rare since most edges of concrete foundations aren’t easily seen.
  • A surveyor can determine whether the property has undergone underpinning by evaluating whether the movement is active and ongoing or dormant and historical. They can also determine the extent of its severity, allowing them to confirm existing underpinning.

In case you are aware that the property has undergone underpinning, it is crucial to obtain all the necessary documentation. This should include a certificate issued by the structural engineer, confirming that the work has been carried out satisfactorily per the industry’s standards and that the house is structurally stable. It is advisable to review these documents carefully as they will provide insurance for the completed work.

Do I Need a Permit for Underpinning in Adelaide?

Yes, you will need a permit to underpin your home in Adelaide. There are some instances where a permit is not required, such as underpinning an internal wall, but this is better discussed with your underpinning contractor. Your underpinning contractor will also organise a geotechnical report known as a soil test and engineering to apply for the permit.
Underpinning is a process of stabilising and restoring the foundation of a house. It’s important to have your home checked for any signs of foundation failure by a certified contractor. For more details, you can read our other blog, “When Do You Need to Underpin?

What Is Underpinning And When Is It Needed?

Underpinning is a foundation repairs process used to reinforce the foundation of an existing structure where a slab or strip footing is used. This is done by extending the foundation to a deeper, more stable level to reduce and minimise foundational movement.

In this article, we’ll discuss what underpinning is, when you need it, and some different types of building foundations and footings. 

When Is Underpinning Needed?

Underpinning is needed when repairing or strengthening a foundation that has been damaged. It is also necessary when you need to increase the structural support for a building. Most experts would recommend underpinning when another story is added to a building or a renovation is taking place.

You should consider underpinning your house if:

  • It is built on reactive soils, and you’ve noticed movement
  • The fill under your foundation is not compacted properly
  • There is poor drainage around your foundation
  • You are planning to extend or renovate your house
  • You have cracks in your walls and floors
  • Your doors and windows are not closing correctly

If you see all or most of the above happening, you need to contact a local contractor who works on repairing foundations.

Types of Building Foundations and Footings

The different types of building foundations and footings are:

Slab on Ground

This is the most common type of foundation. It’s a concrete slab poured directly onto the ground. The soil underneath the slab must be compacted to provide a stable base. If the soil is not compacted correctly, it can settle over time and cause the foundation to crack or collapse.

Suspended Floors

Unlike a traditional floor, a suspended floor is not laid on the ground. Instead, it is connected to the ground by stumps or piers.

Continuous Footings

Continuous footings are used to support loads that are distributed evenly. They can be concrete strips or slabs. They are commonly used to support walls built on sloping sites.

Pad Footings

Pad footings are used to support loads that are not evenly distributed. They are usually concrete pads or piers that are commonly used to support columns, posts, and stairs.


Stumps are posts that support a house’s subfloor and are concreted into the ground. They’re commonly made of reinforced concrete but can also be steel or timber.


Piles are long, vertical steel or concrete sections that are driven into the ground. Piles are used to strengthen the foundation where the soil is not sturdy enough to support the weight of the house. Piles are usually used with a pad footing or a strip footing.


Piers are vertical structures that support a building’s beams. They are made from steel or concrete. Once the piers are set into the dug holes, it is reinforced with concrete to stay in place.

Why Do Building Foundations Fail?

Building foundations fail because of the following reasons:

Reactive Soils

Reactive soils are soils that expand and contract in response to changes in moisture content. This can cause the soil to heave or settle, damaging the foundation.

Poorly Compacted Fill

Suppose the fill under the foundation is not compacted correctly. In that case, it can settle over time and cause the foundation to crack or collapse.

Site Erosion

Erosion can also damage a foundation. When water washes away soil from around the foundation, it can leave the foundation unsupported and susceptible to damage.

What Are the Main Benefits of Underpinning?

The main benefits of underpinning are:

  • Enhanced Structural Integrity
  • Increased Property Value
  • Improved Ceiling Height and Lighting

Which Underpinning Method is Best for Me?

The best underpinning method for you is the one recommended by an experienced foundation repair contractor. This professional will inspect the surrounding, foundation, and footing of your house to identify the problem.

After that, they will brief you on what to do and the estimated cost and time. We have written a blog to give you an idea about the cost of underpinning, read this blog to get a clear picture.

Also, if you want to know more about underpinning, we have a blog explaining, “Does My Home Need Underpinning?“. You should check this out.

How Much Does It Cost to Underpin a House in Adelaide?

The average cost of underpinning a house in Adelaide ranges from $4,500 to $40,000. Larger projects with more involvement can cost up to $75,000. The price for underpinning depends on a number of factors, including the number of pins being installed, the method used, and access. 

In this article, we’ll go through the common methods of underpinning and what to look for when requesting an underpinning quote.

What Is Underpinning?

Underpinning is the process of reinforcing the foundation of a structure. This is usually done by excavating around the perimeter of the foundation and installing support beams or piers underneath.

Need to know more about what is underpinning? Check out this blog. 

What Are the Different Methods of Underpinning?

The following are the most common methods of underpinning:

Concrete Slab Underpinning

Concrete slab underpinning is the most popular method of underpinning in Adelaide. It involves excavating around the perimeter of the house and pouring a concrete footing to support the foundation. This method is quick, relatively inexpensive, and can be done without damaging the house. However, it is not suitable for all types of foundations.

Screwpile Underpinning

Screwpile underpinning is another method of underpinning that has become popular in recent years. It involves driving steel piles into the ground to support the foundation. This method is more expensive than concrete slab underpinning, but it is less likely to damage the house and can be used on all types of foundations.

What Should You Be Looking For In An Underpinning Quote?

These are the following things to look for in an underpinning quote:

Fixed Price Quotation

When receiving an underpinning quotation, be sure it is a fixed-price quote. This implies that the price quoted is permanent and will not fluctuate based on any unforeseen expenditures. Adelaide Underpinning Group always gives fixed price quotes, so you can be certain you’ll know precisely what you’ll pay.

Transparent Quotation

Underpinning quotes should be simple and jargon-free. If they’re not, seek clarification and double-check that you understand everything before going forward. Our team at Adelaide Underpinning Group uses plain English and is always available to answer questions by phone or email.

Fixed Time Frame

When getting an underpinning quote, it is important to ensure that the contractor can provide a work schedule that clearly outlines each stage of the process and how long it will take. They should also be prepared to work according to a fixed timetable, of course, depending on the weather. Adelaide Underpinning Group always provides a clear work schedule and timeline for each job, so you can be confident that the work will be completed on time.

How Risky Is Underpinning?

Underpinning is extremely risky when it is performed by someone who doesn’t fully understand its process. This type of work can be dangerous especially since it could damage a home or even lead to its eventual collapse.

That’s why hiring an expert underpinning contractor is best to ensure the whole process goes smoothly.